答:public class test{ public static void main(String[] args) { Stack<String> s=new Stack<String>(); while(!StdIn.isEmpty()) { String item=StdIn.readString(); s.push(item); } // StdOut.println("Stack of s before copy:"); show(s); // Stack<String> s2=copy(s); StdOut.println("Stack of s after copy:"); show(s); StdOut.println("Stack of s copy:"); show(s2); }//end main public static Stack<String> copy(Stack<String> s) { Stack<String> tempStack=new Stack<String>(); Stack<String> copyStack=new Stack<String>(); for(String item:s) tempStack.push(item); for(String item:tempStack) copyStack.push(item); return copyStack; } private static void show(Stack<String> s) { for(String item:s) StdOut.print(item); StdOut.println(); }}//end class